The Bachelorette: Episode 6 – “Lost My Ass in Croatia”

(*spoiler alert* read after you’ve watched the show – you can view the entire episode at )

Typically, each new week of the Bachelor decreases my level of respect for most parties involved. Not the case this season. With each new episode, Emily Maynard either expresses her self in a manner that, or makes a decision that makes me respect her even more and restores my faith that women can be portrayed wisely in Reality Television. Ok, that may have been a bit deeper than The Bachelor Franchise deserves, but you get my drift.

This week the group was in Croatia, which sits on the Adriatic Sea across from Italy. The group is minus one little girl, Emily’s daughter Rikki, and minus one pompous ass Kalon who insulted her last week.
Here’s my thoughts on this week…

Date 1: Travis – Sweet, sweet Travis. Honestly, I didn’t pay that close of attention to the first half of their date. Call it premonition that he’d never leave the friend-zone. Travis would make a great best friend, but no sparks for Emily or myself – and I still think he’s gay and just hasn’t admitted it yet. The poor guy goes home sad, but it had to be done.

Group Date: The Highland Games. They all go watch the movie Brave (sure that’s exactly what the men wanted to do), then dress in kilts, and ride donkeys to the highland games where they compete in strong-man type contests. Those are the six sexiest men in skirts I’ve ever seen!
Is it just me or did Chris seem more manly on the scale-the-skyscraper date? Not so much on this one, yet he wins the award for the Bravest because even though he did the worst in all categories, he kept a smile on his face and didn’t get down about it. But Sean still managed to win some attention from both viewers and Emily as he kicked butt in the tournament and looked damn fine doing it. He climbs higher on my scale each week.
Other random thoughts about the group:
1. I still don’t believe Ryan purposefully shaves his beard that way. So sinister looking, I hate it.
2. Arie, passionate kiss against the wall!! Oh hell yeah baby!! That’s what I’m talking about.
3. Jeff is such a sweetheart, possibly too sweat though, the poor darling is going to get hurt.
4. Where is Doug in all this? Is he always hiding in the back or something? I totally thought from day one he would be one of the top contenders but he’s slipping out of the spotlight. Does he not even try to talk to her? Come on buddy, get with it. I was rooting for him to get to at least #3, but he’s going to have to step it up.

Date 2: Ryan. Ryan’s one-on-one date also involved a jack-ass; HIM. My favorite part of the whole episode was when Ryan left for his date and all the other guys sat around making fun of him and saying how creepy he is. And we learn this interesting tid-bit: Ryan plucks his finger hairs?? LMAO. And WTH is up with those ugly turquoise shoes that do not go with his outfit at all? It is nice he remembered that Emily’s favorite color is turquoise. However, it is stupid that he wore those hideous things. During dinner it becomes even more apparent that Ryan is all about what he wants. He never asks what she wants or how she is feeling. And how many times is he going to say “Trophy Wife” before he catches on that she doesn’t like that? OH NO HE DIDN’T JUST SAY SERVANT?!?! I think I’d take great pleasure in kicking this man in the balls. Him and Bentley from Ashley’s season should team up as a world’s most arrogant, insulting & chauvinistic men duo – is there a spot on America’s Most Talented for that? Anyway, thankfully Emily didn’t dig his list of perfect qualities he wanted either and proves how smart she is by telling him he’s not getting the rose. Yay! But then I was getting worried that she was going to give in and change her mind after he kept trying to sell her and guilt her into keeping him. He’s a manipulative bully. This is when I felt so proud of Emily for knowing herself and sticking to her guns and not giving Ryan the rose. Bye Bye Ry. Don’t let the door hit you in the toosh on the way out!

More random thoughts:
5. Are there lots of stray cats in Croatia or what?
6. I thought Arie pulled off sneaking to Emily’s room well. He didn’t come across as desperate or pushy. They just seem like a couple. Go Arie, Go Arie, Go Arie! Or wait, is he falling too fast? Na, go Arie go! I love him.
7. Do you think John is reaching for a sympathy card to save himself at the last minute, going for the tears, seems like a strategy to me.
8. And Doug crying? He’s doing an ugly cry face like girls do. He thinks he’s going home. I’d rather have her send John home.

Rose Ceremony:
Chris (Rose from Group Date)
… pause for dramatic effect… I love how she takes control of the show and her own destiny by changing rules as she goes and doing what she feels comfortable doing. I don’t know if they’ve all had these options or if she has more leeway than most, but I like it.
…Emily gets an extra rose from Chris Harrison and keeps both John and Doug around for another week to figure them out. I was proud of her for that move too. What did you think?

Previews for next week: Uh-oh, is Arie in the hot seat next week? Noooooo!

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